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Everything posted by Kmaster98

  1. So my bug is that I set some launch parameters for a missile to use and when i use the right click menu to fire it follows them but if i use the weapon manager it doesn't. I'm using node attachment, I don't know if that has any thing to do with it or not. Any help would be much appreciated!! i can make a video if you don't understand.
  2. Ok i tried that it still does not work. Could the problem be in the CFG?
  3. I think I did what you said BahamutoD but it still did not work. Here is what it looks like in game, if it helps.
  4. Ok Ill try that, Thanks!! A video would still be nice, if its not to much to ask.
  5. and this is what mine looks like. So i don't get what is Wrong i have the muzzleTransform, fireTransform, and the shellEject but it still does not work in game. The script i have attached to the fireTransform is a particle emitter identical to the one in the example. If someone could do a video tutorial it would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Ok I have been trying to make some guns for BDarmory, but they don't shot anything. Do they need more than the fireTransform to work?
  7. Thanks for the suggestion Random Tank. I'm looking for an anti-gravity drive not really levitation, levitation in that mod only works up to 8 meters, or somthing like that. The type of anti-gravity drive I'm looking for is one that would work at any altitude and in space. Sort of like turning on the hack gravity cheat but it only affecting the ship with the drive on it. Thanks anyway.
  8. Thanks for responding, Xaiier. I just like building Sci-fi ships so it would be nice to have some Sci-fi tech to go with it (or in it) so it flies like it does in the movies. The only problem with the anti gravity drive you mention is that it might be too big to fit in some of my ships, But anything would be nice.
  9. Does anyone know of a mod that has an anti-gravity drive, as in a part. Similar to the hack gravity cheat but, that only affects the vessel that the part is on? If not than can somebody make one?? Thanks!
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