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  1. I've tested with the KSP 1.4 update and the mod still seems to be working without issues. I haven't tried with the expansion pack yet, obviously, but as soon as I can get my hands on it I will be testing that also. If anyone else notices any problems please let me know ASAP, otherwise I'll just update the compatibility settings for the mod and mark it compatible with 1.4 and expansion pack.
  2. Thanks! Mission Accomplished! Still looking for feedback, if anyone tries this mod please let me know how it's working for you, it would be much appreciated! I did notice some delays in sorting in v0.2 so I've increased the polling frequency in the latest version v0.3.
  3. This is my first mod. It's intentionally pretty simple, and it's intended to stay that way. In fact, it's pretty much what it says on the tin -- it makes the Kerbal lists alphabetically sorted in the VAB/SPH/Launchpad/Runway. The licence is CC0, so if anyone wants to build on this to create a better, smarter, or more comprehensive Kerbal sorting addon, please do so! github link: https://github.com/cecilkorik/AlphabeticalKerbals/releases Want feedback on: I am currently using an occasional polling method to find out when the lists get modified and need to be resorted, if you know of an event or a way to hook into that would detect when the lists get modified that would be super helpful Any performance impact from the current polling frequency, especially for saves with large Kerbal lists. If it causes huge delays or lag please let me know! To-do list: Create json for CKAN Tweak the polling frequency to balance performance vs sorting delay (unless a better way can be found) Sorting the Astronaut Complex Shout-outs and thanks: Snark, for his BetterCrewAssignment addon which is an addon that I can't personally live without, and also helped point me to some of the right places in the API documentation. JonDahm who also posted some helpful threads that helped me in my searches. I2rocketGuy, my favourite Twitch KSP streamer and the guy whose gigantic herd of Kerbals inspired this mod.
  4. Not my naming scheme, which is generally pretty boring and utilitarian, but I have to share my friend's naming scheme because it's hilarious. He started playing KSP shortly after watching the movie Interstellar. As a result, every. single. one. of his ships has been named "Matthew McConaughey (something)". His first ship was named just straight Matthew McConaughey, then he moved onto Matthew McConaughey Mk2, and Mk3, and eventually adding other identifiers, but always with the "Matthew McConaughey". He also talks to his ships, or yells at them when something goes wrong, calling them "Matthew". I'm pretty sure he's just doing it to troll me at this point.
  5. If it's really "the leaders are the ones who are the best at exploration" then it would be called a meritocracy. Which sounds like it should be wonderful, but the reason it's really hard to make it work in real life is that nobody can ever agree who has the most "merit" as it's a vague and subjective definiton. Maybe it would work on Kerbin though!
  6. Just wanted to confirm that cpottinger's fix worked perfectly. My station has been loaded properly and is now chugging away on its experiments once again. Kudos for figuring that out. In case it's still relevant, I've attached a copy of the KSP.log from before I tried the fix, but there doesn't seem to be anything of interest there: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmee1kfstf80nfv/KSP.log?dl=0 But it looks to me like cpottinger's fix is exactly what is needed as everything's running smoothly now. The problem seems isolated to the StnSciAttachOTron, all other modules work fine, and stations using the (more advanced) stock docking ports work fine also, even without the fix.
  7. When I'm loading up my save using the new 1.3 version (and ModManager 2.5.0 if that's relevant), I'm still getting the error that it's unable to load the part StnSciAttachOTron.
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