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  1. GGumby's been away for a while, so now there's yet another WIP thread with the latest version here:
  2. Just checked it myself. The mod retains basic functionality, however, upon installing it alongside other mods (namely EPL, Civ Pop, Tweakscale, and other mods that either modify or add parts), the performance and initial loading time drop significantly (loading time increases from 2-3 minutes on my hdd up to an hour). Also, it appears that the repainted texture is broken on newer parts: there are lines of paint where there shouldn't be any, and there is empty space that's supposed to be painted instead. On latest parts, the shader doesn't work at all.
  3. Would be great if you added mission waypoints to the navball. I have to switch in and out of cockpit when doing atmospheric scans...
  4. Yeah, that's the logic I'm inclined towards as well (there were a number of "loose" files in the previous release). I haven't yet tested the drone in flight, however it does not seem to respond to right click or action groups in VAB... Regardless, I consider the problem solved. Thank you all for your help.
  5. You might not be installing it correctly. You need to extract the contents of "90_Civilian_Population-1.4.zip", then copy the folders "CommunityResourcePack" and "NetherdyneAerospace" from there into your "...\KerbalSpaceProgram\Gamedata" folder. If you copied the whole CivilianPopulation1.4 folder into the Gamedata, then you did it wrong. P.s. don't forget to delete Launchpads.dll from NetherdyneAerospace folder if you are using, or planning on using the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod along with Civilian Population.
  6. As I mentioned back here, deleting the file does, indeed, fix the clamps, although I fear that might break an EL-specific part in CP (called "Construction Drone"). It is possible that CP author left the file in the mod folder mistakenly, but I've yet to check on that.
  7. Yup. Narrowed it down to Launchpad.dll. Deleting it from CP repository fixed the clamps... I wonder what was it there for in the first place? There is a part that seems to rely on EL, called "Construction Drone", which supposedly interacts with the mod... hmm, I'll check if its behavior is affected
  8. michaelhester07, if you're still watching this thread, there appears to be an incompatibility between Civilian Population and Extraplanetary Launchpads. Specifically, there is a bug that occurs with launch clamps ("Launch Stability Enhancers"). The clamps no longer clip to the floor in VAB, there is no corresponding icon in the staging sequence on HUD, and they can no longer be activated (or rather, the sound and visual fx are triggered upon activation of 1st stage, however the clamps remain clipped to the craft, but not to the ground, allowing the craft to take off with the clamps attached). 2/3 times that causes a crash upon reverting to VAB, especially if the rocket is partially destroyed and the clamps clip through the ground. Yes, I checked and double-, and even triple-checked whether it is an incompatibility issue, and came to the definitive conclusion that it is. In fact, I've a series of posts regarding this issue on EL thread (as I originally thought it was an EL bug): here here here and here Having said that, I might stumble upon a solution there, and in that case I'm posting this report here for awareness. -update- It seems that the mods share a Launchpad.dll file, deleting which from the CP repository seems to fix the clamps. However, I assume the file was there for a reason, was it not?
  9. Kroopz here again, reporting the results of clean KSP install (regarding the recently discovered "clamps" bug): So, after EL was installed on a clean copy of KSP, the clamp bug disappeared, and for a moment I had thought the problem was in EL not having updated properly (what a relief would that have been!). I then proceeded to add the mods I listed in my previous post, one by one (in order of requirement). Once I installed Civilian Population, the bug reappeared. That was rather odd, I thought, since I had previously checked whether it was CP that was causing the bug in the first place, and came to the conclusion that it, in fact, was not. I decided to remove EL to see if that would change anything. Surprisingly enough, the bug once again disappeared (CP installed, EL removed). I did a few more tests, and came to the realization that the two mods interfere with each other (which I find ironic, given that the two mods supplement each other). This leads me to turn, once again, to you, taniwha, in a desperate cry for help. Is there anything at all, that you can do about this? (the mods seem to share 2 files: KSPAPIExtensions.dll and Launchpad.dll, if that helps in any way). P.S. I will post the bug on CP thread, but I doubt the author will do anything about it soon enough, as he stated he was taking a break.
  10. So it's a compatibility issue regardig other mods then? I'll try removing more mods, maybe something will turn up. -edit- Here is my modlist meanwhile (just in case something catches your eye): - Science Checklist - Action Groups Extended - Civilian Population (checked) - Community Resource Pack - Community Tech Tree - Crowd Sourced Science - Extraplanetary Launchpads - Firespitter - Karbonite - Kerbal Addon Version Checker - Kerbal Alarm Clock - Kerbal Engineer Redux - Kerbal Foundries Wheels & Repulsors (checked) - Kerbal Inventory (tried prog's suggestion; checked) - Kerbal Stats - Lights Out - Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics (checked) - MechJeb 2 (checked) - Module Manager - Raster Prop Monitor (+ Core) - SCANsat - Stage Recovery (checked first hand, didn't affect EL) - TAC Fuel Balancer - Toolbar - Tweakscale (checked as well) - Umbra Space Industries Tools -edit #2- taniwha, are you positive that the clamps replacement you applied didn't break them, and that it works properly? As I mentioned, there is a clamp release sound and visual fx as the first stage is activated, they just remain clipped to the craft with no icon to indicate their presence on the staging sequence list beforehand. I am, however, going to try installing EL on a clean KSP later, and report the results, as I suspect I might have some old cfgs in there currently, that could be causing this bug...
  11. It has simply not been posted to CKAN, as far as I understand. It's so far been completely compatible with the latest KSP, and hasn't thrown any significant exceptions, except for that little security issue I found recently.
  12. Tried that before - didn't work. Nevertheless, followed your instructions, taking clamps off the ship, putting them to the side, then deleting them, then installing them again. Didn't work. Tried launching the ship with broken clamp, then reverting and deleting it. That didn't work either. In fact, I've got a crash after reverting to VAB with the rocket partially destroyed but the clamp still attached to it. Here's the updated output log of that crash. I should also note that the clamp does, indeed, affect the mass and trajectory (I was wrong there, and you can see the center of pull on the last screenshot below), and that there is a release sound and visual effects present of the clamp being released when I activate the first stage, although there is no indication of the corresponding staging action on the HUD, and it remains clipped to the craft afterwards. Some screenshots of the steps I followed:
  13. Hey, any word on those launch clamps? I can't delay my Duna mining missions any longer
  14. Like I said, there's a couple of issues here and there. I'll post a report on CM thread about the exception, but the new version is known to contain some compilation bugs, so it'll probably get patched regardless. As for SCANsat, it's kind of buggy lately as well (jumping around between dev and release builds), but I think the author is aware of occasional bugs. I'm more concerned about EL. It is by far one of my favorite immersion mods (right after Engineer Redux and SCANsat ;p), and I cannot stand to see it broken. Any ideas/solutions?
  15. Found an exception when checking the output log for issues with EL (coincidence ). Something regarding security: [COLOR=#000000]Failed to load assembly D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NetherdyneAerospace\CivilianManagement\Assembly-CSharp.dll: [/COLOR]System.Security.SecurityException: Assembly D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NetherdyneAerospace\CivilianManagement\Assembly-CSharp.dll tried to use forbidden type System.Diagnostics.Process! Allows launching of external processes. Full output file here
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