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    Curious George
  1. Thats a fast response! Thanks sirkut. Modlist: And here is a link to the output_log.txt: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32424470/output_log.txt And yes it is funny when it happens, Just wish I knew why, lol.
  2. Wow that's allot of pages! Anyways love the mod, but I am having a strange error, and wonder if anyone else is seeing it. I am launching with a decent sized rocket, with solid boosters that have been increased to 125% with tweak scale. All went well on several launches. Well I unlocked some of the IR parts in career mode and decided to add a set of adjustable rails to my command module, to make the landing gear extend out a little. Anyways, I launch and everything appears normal until I stage to drop the solid rocket boosters. At that point they every part attached to the booster simply separates. The rest of the rocket works normally, and the rest of the stages work correctly. When I remove the adjustable rails, the solid rocket boosters drop normally. The same problem with the boosters seem to happen if I have any IR parts anywhere on my rocket. Strange. Still love the mod, even though I am losing a ton of cash due to my solid rockets suddenly becoming debree, and cratoring into the ground
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