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Posts posted by 731destroyer

  1. 9 hours ago, Redneck said:

    Then what is this? 

    http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Multiplayer or this


    Ive been around since 2011 I dont recall ANYTHING where they said they would NOT!!


    Ever since 2013 they have said at least once a year multiplayer was something they wanted to do this year is not over yet so yeah, the way squad is right now tho things could have change but if they are still working on it i would not expect to see Multiplayer until next year it seems like more of a side project they have been working on slowly.

    http://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-committed-to-multiplayer-career-and-sandbox-modes/  2013 - “Shaun [Esau, the developer of the multiplayer mod] has proven that multiplayer can be done, so Squad is committed to making multiplayer a part of the final release,” Squad PR manager Bob Holtzman said.

    http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/216239/Kerbal_Space_Programs_next_big_dev_challenge_Adding_multiplayer.php  2014 - "It's still so early in the development of multiplayer, we can't even guess at how it will eventually turn out," he notes, "but it's something our players have always debated. We never actually surveyed our community formally, yet we could see for a lot of people, multiplayer was the top request on their wish-list for KSP."


  2. On 3/23/2016 at 4:56 PM, Whitecat106 said:

    Hello everyone,

    It has been a while but I thought I would release a quick update, this fixes lag and is the result of a complete rewrite of the code, station keeping is also fixed..hopefully!

    Active vessel decay and the UI have been temporarily removed in preparation for KSP 1.1 and subsequently version 1.1.0 of Orbital Decay. I will be working on a more accurate decay simulation, smooth UI menus with decay predictions, maybe some pretty conics in the map view and hopefully a 'Station Keeping Module' part for the game!

    I hope you enjoy this small update which makes the Mod playable again, however for this to function properly you will have to switch to each vessel you currently have in game to allow the vessel to be registered by the decay code - this will be fixed in 1.1.0 too!

    I have not given up; have hope! 

    Whitecat106 :)


  3. 55 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work without RSS. When making a mod/expansion for RSS, you need to have "AFTER[RealSolarSystem]" in the first line of the code. When making a regular planet pack, you need "AFTER[Kopernicus]" on the first line.

    That sucks

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