I had built a ship that was designed to rescue stranded vessels and crew( out of fuel, battery.etc). it consisted of a 3 kerbal command pod a hitchhiker pod a grabbing unit and engine sas units batteries etc... it takes off with no problems, go through grav turns and all that. Right after I jettison my lower stage I will warp to where I want to cicularize the orbit at and the bug occurrs. It gives me the message cannot warp faster than 1x while the ship is accelerating at the same time I lose ability to turn the ship using the wasd keys and mechjeb SMART.A.S.S. additionally the speed on the navball gets "frozen" and the orbit changes due to the velocity being frozen (am at speeds around 1700-2500m/s when occurs). after testing I have found that this now occurs with any vessel I launch. Running 32 bit v.25(latest) on win7 Mods I have installed are: Mechjeb, kerbal engineer, remotetech2 kerbal alarm clock, and scan sat. all of the pods tested were manned so remote tech wasn't causing the loss of control. as a side note the flight computer window said n/a instead of local control like it normally does for manned pods.