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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thank you all for the feedback, staging the parachuting in the correct order worked!
  2. Every time i launch my rocket my parachute ejects way too soon and up side down...any suggestions please? Thank you
  3. I was attempting to start up KSP to play and for some reason cant get pass the "Checking For Updates" part. I tried resetting my laptop and still gets stuck there, any suggestions please??
  4. As soon as my rocket launches the parachute ejects and i can figure out the problems-suggestions?
  5. Yesterday I purchased KSP and tried downloading it to my laptop. I have Windows 7 and when attempting downloading each available version, I get a prompt stating " The compressed (zipped) Folder...zip is invalid." I'd appreciate any suggestions to help me with this issue so I can enjoy the KSP. Thank You!
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