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Everything posted by brenton

  1. Ah that worked. What is the Launcher anyway? Doesn't seem to be of much use.
  2. I work at JPL! And thanks everybody for the welcome!
  3. I'm super excited, I finally bought the game after messing with the Demo for a while. I basically have to play KSP because this is where I work: No, I don't work with a bunch of gamers. I literally work with rocket scientists! Anyway, anyone know whether I'm going to have problems installing KSP on two computers? Do I need an additional license for that? Also, should I download the "Installer" or the ".25" packet? What's the difference? Do I completely erase the demo first, or does it go on top somehow? Cheers!
  4. Finally got the game downloaded after many failed attempts over the last few days (it's been really slow with .25 coming out I guess). Thought I was going to get to play, but it opens and the "Play" button is grey, so I click "Update," and then it goes grey. No indication of what is happening, no spinner or notification. It's been like that for hours. I tried exiting and restarting once, but it just did the same thing. What's happening? Is it installing an update? (I thought I would have downloaded the most up to date version...)
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