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Everything posted by Swonely

  1. I saw you post after I made my most recent one. I made the changes you suggested. My code is now verified finally, and I'll test it when I get the chance. Thanks for the help. EDIT: Got a fully working display now, thanks guys!
  2. Okay, I may have got it working. I went back and looked at some code from another project, and lcd.print and lcd.write are two different things. Important note, semicolons and colons are two different things, semicolons are your friends. I'll have to hook up my Arduino once I get home. flight is the variable I added to the Void Setup. Here: void loop() { input(); output(); flight(); } And then for flight itself. void flight () { lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.print("ALT"); lcd.setCursor(1, 0); lcd.write(VData.Alt); delay(250); } If this doesn't work, I suspect it will be because lcd.begin it running over and over again. So I'll make a 16x2 variable to run in the setup, or when each menu is called.
  3. In theory, yes. In application, no. My problem is putting the LCD code I've written into the demo8 code. I tried copy and pasting it into a new tab, but that won't work because you can only run "Void Setup" once. So I defined the character "16x2" in that new tab, and the listed that variable in the demo8 tab's "Void Setup". I then called back to the tab which had all my display code, and that's when it fell apart. At this time, I'm just trying to write anything on the screen and then I'll start adding units, numbers, and other fun stuff. I may scrap it and start fresh.
  4. So, how goes the project? I recently started work on my own controller, but have run into issues using LCD displays to output the data from Zitronen's Plugin. Could I see a working version of the code you used? An example would make things far easier. Thanks!
  5. And I'm lost. Would anyone who has gotten a character display working please share the code? A working example would help a lot, I can figure the rest out after that.
  6. I've been fiddling with the LCDs a bit in my free time. I can share some of my code once it's finished. I'm in midterms right now so I can't promise anything soon. The big thing is to look at all of the LiquidCyrstal libraries, and know what each command does. (See http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/LiquidCrystal). Then using that, make a smaller project, such as a simple clock or thermometer using a 16x2, so that you become familiar with variables and the code. A tutorial I've been looking at a lot is the adafruit one (see https://learn.adafruit.com/character-lcds/wiring-a-character-lcd). It explains the wiring and how some of the commands work.
  7. Oh, thanks! I missed that comment in the code, I was confused and instead was looking at the numbers that were commented out. So if I want to sub in the rALT data I use the variable "VDATA.RALT", and for the compass heading I'd use "VDATA.HEADING". I think I have this resolved now. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the reply. The issue is not getting the data onto the LCD or what it is capable of, I've done some of the LiquidCrystal libraries for it recently. I should clarify that I specifically mean how to call the values from the plugin as variables. So I want to go roughly: lcd.write(Radar Altitude) or something along those lines. so the result would look like (with more coding and all) rALT 123 ALT 456 vSPD 789 SPD 246 with those randoms numbers changing as it received data from the plugin. I don't know how the plugin sends out the numbers so I can feed them into the display.
  9. So, I'm newish to Arduino and I'm pretty confused about the Input for displays. I have a 16x2 LCD I'd like to hook up. How do I get the values (ie, Fuel, speed, Alt, etc.) and feed them to the display?
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