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Everything posted by OrigamiOrigami

  1. I mean paper... - - - Updated - - - folding PAPER is origami
  2. darn it I can t upload any of mine .
  3. UPDATE!!! in "flatline" the doctor says "we are meant to be good at dimensions" a link to the TARDIS,Maybe? p.s: TARDIS in siege mode if the power could get in, why not anything else?
  4. isn't wind waker a wii u game? Not to say I don't like it put I don't think that counts...
  5. a paralel universe (that is in the solar system right?) and I'd build it on the moon-alternative and have a dimentional teleporter to earth (has anyone seen doctor who apollo 23 because i'd have a quantum link)
  6. by Retro I mean before or on GBA mine is Minish cap want to see if anyone shares my opinion:sticktongue:
  7. it HAS to be Legends of zelda minish cap just because I love fighting Vaati at the end
  8. Might take me a while... probably gonna have to take a while over this one...
  9. Totally awesome picture What I was looking for at the start.
  10. TARDIS is a abreviation for Time And Relative Dimentions In Space if it was a pocket universe then it could jump through timelines,but im not shore that it is one... =P maybe is maybe not
  11. Just wondering can anybody make any origami? I need some insperation have made: Luke Skywalker Severus Snape Darth Vader Chewbacca Han Solo Jabba the hut X2 Yoda X3 some puppets of my mates if anyone could share images that would be great:D
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