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Everything posted by SYRSA

  1. I have a fellow coder who knows what to do when it comes to Javascript. And he likes to work with me to make stuff happen, in this case, make the wings (white disks) provide lift. So he would know a thing or 2 if anyone have any ideas for him. And yes, earth. Teaching us about ferram's approach would be nice. I have a livestream (if you are interested) up at the moment at: http://sv.justin.tv/syrsa
  2. I have made a video to further explain what I am trying to achieve with wings in Unity: http://youtu.be/UZWmHfkqtCQ
  3. To be accurate, this is actually the code I am using: #pragma strict var AxisDrag: Vector3;//multiplier function Update () { var x: float = rigidbody.velocity.x * AxisDrag.x * -1 * Time.deltaTime; var y: float = rigidbody.velocity.y * AxisDrag.y * -1 * Time.deltaTime; var z: float = rigidbody.velocity.z * AxisDrag.z * -1 * Time.deltaTime; rigidbody.AddForce(x,y,z); } The point was to attach this code to a wing, which is just an invisible gameobject (because I already modeled the aircraft itself). And what I hoped this code to do is to have the Y-axis to simulate more drag than any other axis because the Y-axis is the flat side of the wing. But all it did was applying global drag to the wing no matter how I angeled it. I even dropped the wing from mid air and it didn't even glide off to one side. It just slowly descended down in a straight line.
  4. Well, the title was pretty appropriate in my opinion. Because I think asking game developers for clues how they managed some things in their game might be borderline copyright infringement.
  5. Ferram? Is he a co-developer who codes stuff in Unity? Well, I could contact him if that's what you suggest... How can I reach him?
  6. But I think it would not hurt to ask the masters who made this great space simulator/game. I like flying as much as the next guy. And I especially love attaching wings on my spaceplanes. But there is a particular thing that I have pursued for weeks... KSP runs on the Unity engine, right? KSP led me to this user-friendly game engine. But I have been dying to ask one thing. How in the world did you guys manage to make your wings work? You know, glide. You all have seen this when your spaceplane have crashed into the ground, but a pair of wings have survived and then soared off. Back on the Unity forums, I have started thread after thread and no one has a clue what I am talking about. I have tried to make my wings work in my Unity project, but they keep failing. How did you manage it? I would be so happy if someone could teach me the ways of the wing. And maybe even repay you (if it is so much of an hassle) with something that I could make, since I'm an artist.
  7. The DSI corporation have now established a new distinguished colour scheme for our property. (the modified textures are parts made by C7, Silisko, desuovercill, aacu and some original parts) And we have came up with a new use for the names of our ships to be self-explanatory in their sectional purpose. The 1st section of 'Ause' means 'big and military' Mostly refered as a battlecruiser. The 1st section of 'Seisy' means 'small and convoying' Mostly refered as a corvette. The 1st section of 'Augu' means 'big and convoying' Mostly refered as a freighter. The 2nd section of 'ris' means 'primary' Describing a ship that\'s designed for the BIG/MAIN missions. The 2nd section of 'vir' means 'secondary' Describing a ship that\'s designed for the SPECIAL/DELICATE missions. The 2nd section of 'ros' means 'major' Describing a ship that\'s designed for managing independently within DSI business. Auseris - large battlecruiser Ausevir - bombarding battlecruiser Seisyris - agile escort vehicle Auguros - large transport vehicle
  8. I don\'t by a good camera for many reasons, but when I really get to take a picture for myself for this kind of reason, I had no other choice but to use my crappy webcam to take this one, so here yah go!
  9. The Ausevir is the ultimate defense issue with a great threat in it\'s sleeve for showing that we don\'t like to be messed around with. A battlecruiser equipped with a massive long range missile with a first stage rocket engine strapped on to shoot it towards it\'s target at supersonic speeds which is almost impossible to intercept. DSI is known to be ample in material resources, therefore we had just the right element in mind for packing into the rocket... Caesium, an alkaline metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water, especially when contained in a vapour state in the rocket to explode directly when coming in contact with air. And It has more than 50 cubic meters of it! The Ausevir itself is highly mobile and have good stunt properties due to it\'s wide wings, RCS thrusters and thrust vectored boosters.
  10. I have it shared on my DA page: http://syrsa.deviantart.com/#/d4khini
  11. It\'s not supposed to be a lander, it\'s more of a cargo vessel that ships between space stations.
  12. The Seisyris\'s big, interstellar dad. It lacks the seisyris\'s versatility and atmosphereric maneuverability. But the Auguros\'s large size provides great cargo capability and... Spectacular crashes!
  13. This picture appeared at the wrong page at first, but now I moved it over here
  14. Lol, when I first saw podracers, I was very entertained, especially when they crashed Yet the Seisyris is not exactly a podracer, but It does look like one, and that\'s the cool part. And you mentioned about hover engines... Brilliant! Sure the kerbs may is supposed to be in our current stage of technology in spaceship engineering, but when you see how many times they crash, they still want more cool stuff to put on their ship and continue launching.
  15. My latest spacecraft, the VE (Versatile Explorer) Seisyris. Atmosphere max cruise speed: 405 m/s Highly maneuverable, it can do a full aileron roll in a split second. It can decouple the landing gear together with the rear compensation weight (small solid thruster). It can jettison the command module together with a parachute if something would go wrong. And it has custom modified fuelcells for great distances (Antimatter Ion Fuelcells ). But can blow the Mun out of Kerbin\'s orbit if enough is used... [Jebediah Kerman] -Brilliant! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edit: There is a new, updated version with a video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlqhCrAUAB8#
  16. Hello, kerbonauts. My name is Benjamin, SYRSA as artist nickname due to my productivity in music, animation and art. Dutvutan is the name of my Youtube channel, 14k subs. When I first heard about Kerbal Space Program, I wasn\'t that interested at first. But when I DID download it, built a few rockets and landed on the mun after\'ve crashed a hundred times, I found this game very entertaining... Even better! Now, I\'m truly interested in the development of this game and might will come up with some good suggestions/feedback, if I may And I did buy the game, dunno if you called it a donation. This is the actually the first rocket of mine to ever land on the mun... A pretty silly shape of a rocket, I might add. lol
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