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Everything posted by Wyre311

  1. After deleting everything associated with KSP and redownloading B9 and the latest KSP I got rid of alot of issues except one. After about 3 days of scrolling the forums when I have the time between work and my family I have not seen anyone post anything at all mentioning this problem. The new HX parts fall through each other on the launchpad no matter how many struts I use. This is KSP/B9 32 bit, downloaded last week and completely fresh. I am new to the forum and I dont ask unless there is a real problem. Someone mentioned it is a Virgin Kalactic problem, however I don't know what this means.
  2. Solution: Completely deleted anything that had to do with KSP from my computer, Went back to the original site and redownloaded, then went to the most recent and verified B9 mod suggested by a veteran player and downloaded it from there. after loading the game clean, exiting, installing the mod and loading it up and checking everything worked... Except now the HX parts fall through each other on the launchpad but that is a different problem
  3. Okay.. Roger that.. I'll dig around for a bit and try to find the fix
  4. I too have this issue... no one seems to know how to fix it
  5. Just use sandbox to train on what you have available in career mode and you got it down
  6. No, but that usually points to firespitter being out of date
  7. That too.. thats very important... knowing your crafts limits is also part of it.. such as how high can it fly exactly before it stalls... because right when it stalls is when you need to switch to rockets.
  8. okay.. how about this: Before i perfected my arcadia and zeus designs with b9 aerospace, i was only using stock parts... i decided: mass = wasted fuel.. build something small with one turbojet engine and two of the lv909 engines.. give it no less than 12 intakes.. clip them or use the radial intakes.. it doesnt matter but one turbojet and 12 intakes... kick that to full power and ride it up to 32 km, switch with your action groups to the lv909, ride it up to 72 km and circularize.
  9. The most important things I have learned from Kerbal to pass on to new pilots is this: 1: start off small and try to keep it small. The more mass you have, the more energy it will take to move it. 2: Learn the navball and physical mechanics of the game. When you learn how to move, your battle is half won. 3: experiment in sandbox mode before you do it in career mode. Use sandbox to get to other planets with as little as possible, then mimic it in career mode. 4: Lights are your best friend 5: keep it simple. build your ships with a purpose. if you cant do it in one launch, don't do it at all. 6: Probes before manned flights... this gives you a look at how to get somewhere before going there. 7: Every kerbal comes home.. If you cant guarantee it, don't launch the poor guy.
  10. if you need picture proof, video stream. anything.. just pm me.
  11. They can get up to about 30-34 km in the air before having to switch to rocket mode. push them to 72 km then circularize... once refuled in orbit you are set - - - Updated - - - I can take out the apollo mod parts and all you will need is b9 and spitfire
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96406-The-Arcadia-series-and-the-Zeus-Ships?highlight=Arcadia
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96406-The-Arcadia-series-and-the-Zeus-Ships?highlight=Arcadia Mine can make it to duna after a refuel in orbit. After that just refuel them at duna and i think they can do it. Look them over
  14. I have the solution: download the b9 aerospace, apollo 11 and spitfire mods.. Send me a pm with your email and I will give you my ships: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96406-The-Arcadia-series-and-the-Zeus-Ships?highlight=Arcadia My ships are verified, I update and scan with antivirus regularly.
  15. Update: Added ladders for surface EVA, confirmed that these ships can fly to Duna after orbital refuel.
  16. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96406-The-Arcadia-series-and-the-Zeus-Ships?highlight=Arcadia Please give PM me with an email to send you my personal ship designs. I believe they are everything you need
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96406-The-Arcadia-series-and-the-Zeus-Ships?highlight=Arcadia My Zeus can do it.. Tested and verified.. If you wish I can send pictures. PM me your email, download the mods mentioned in my thread and i will send the craft files to you.
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96406-The-Arcadia-series-and-the-Zeus-Ships?highlight=Arcadia I can give you my ships.. PM me your email and I will send you the files.. I scan my computer regularly and always use antivirus.
  19. I did not add ladders to these for eva on planets.. Be sure to add them if that is what you are using them for
  20. I want to upload pics of my ships and offer them to everyone. PM me and ill email the ships to you. these require the following mods: B9 Aerospace Spitfire Apollo11 Each ship is easy to takeoff, except the Zeus. All of them need to be refueled as soon as they reach orbit. They are for passengers and cargo. I haven't flown them to Duna, but I did a Test burn with the Arcadia 1 and 2: Both of them can make it to Duna I think when they have been refueled. Have fun with these if you do want them. They look good, work well and are very handy for people who can't quite make a good shuttle or orbital cargo delivery.
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