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    Curious George
  1. I'm just trying to set up a Saitek X52 Pro for KSP (v0.25). Stuff like mapping pitch/yaw to the joystick axis worked fine out of the box. But some controls are not recognized at all. When mapping the "POV2" hat for example, I could map the upwards button (JoystickButton19), but none of the other directions. The throttle hat won't work at all. Adjusting these buttons in Saitek's own software doesn't help. I've read somewhere that KSP used to map only a limited number of buttons, but that seemed to be an old issue, and I don't see others complaining about issues with the X52 - so I'm a bit confused. Any ideas as to what the problem may be? (The buttons themselves aren't broken, I've tested that)
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