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Everything posted by Spock79

  1. Hey guys I was thinking about what I'd like to see in this game. And one of the things I think would be really fun, would be scenarios... For instance an Armageddon(movie) type scenario would be a lot of fun... Huge asteroid headed towards Kerbin. You have to deal with it whatever way you think you can... Maybe go up and strap some GIANT boosters to it and push it off course from Kerbin. Or (if we could get nuclear weapons parts) just like the movie go up drill it and plant a nuke in it and blow it in half lol, in which case poor Jebediah has to stay behind and activiate the nuke manually lol. Another neat Scenario would be having to deal with a massive solar flare.. Maybe have to build a giant satellite to either absorb the flare with solar panels or reflect it with mirrors. Maybe Planet X would be a fun one, Alien invasion (if they happen to change their mind on aliens). Also something I think would be cool.. having a reason to go other planets. Maybe go discover advanced but ancient technologies left by an ancient (now extinct) civilization and discover new materials etc.. If the devs dont do any of these then a modder definitely should imo. Anyways what do you guys think?
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