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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm having the same issue. Sometimes crew transfer just ... stops working. It seems to happen often when you have big stations and low framerate. Even spamming the lmb doesn't get recognized. Anyway - what I do to fix it is reloading the ship. Then transferring works (for a while at least). It is extremely annoying but at least it's possible to get around.
  2. If I right click on a heat shield in-flight, there is a "jettison" button that I can only press once (then it doesn't show up any more). But it doesn't seem to do anything while the shield still has the fairing, nor when it doesn't have the fairing any more. So what's the button for?
  3. Whenever I put OX-4L or OX-4W solar panels on a craft in 1.0, I can only extend them once and no "retract panels" button appears. I can bind "retract panels" to an action group, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Did they change solar panels in 1.0 so that only the gigantor ones can retract?
  4. I use the ' and + keys (which I use for switching between vessels) to exit the IVA camera view. But I'm sure that's not the way I'm supposed to do it.
  5. "Recover a module from Minmus orbit". It was an orange tank. Wasn't easy to land but I managed to do it.
  6. OMG scroll click works! Thank you so much!! I would never have found this on my own; in my KSP profile I have my mouse configured so that midlle mouse button is SHIFT; I don't even have the scroll click as I thought it is not used for anything. Now all I need to do is rearrange my mouse controls. I am proud to switch my first thread on the forums to [Answered!]
  7. That is what I thought too; until I saw how many people do this. Are you sure it is a mod and not a commonly unknown control?
  8. Haha, I figured all of this out on my own, then saw your post.
  9. I see KSP YouTubers rotate the camera, not around the focused object, but around the camera itself. I assume it is a button you hold while rotating the camera. What is it?
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