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    Curious George
  1. another question, just by the way... What is "Drop" meant for? why dismissing valuable fuel out in space? from my own experience I just once had the need for this, trying to carry big fueltanks into orbit. the connections beneath were too weak to support 36 tons of fuel, I emptied the tank to 4 tons: and I had the docking ports left for my lander and space cruiser, attached on my mothership. Fr@nk
  2. Yes, I also cannot resize this window. But I scrolled all to the right and the window keeps this position. my screen is "only" 1440x900 But I'd also like so see a better handling. Fuelbalancing for me is an act of "getting-work-done" after a (hopefully successful) misson, for example when returning a mun explorer to my Orbiter. I dock on to the mothership and would like to refuel my lander. This work could be done "fullscreen" (means in a quite big window). (and when programmed and fuel-balancing-on-its-own, we can set the next maneuver point and head to new horizons) Integrated in the right-click on a fuel tank, this yellow "context-menu" thing? That would be really nice! Consider coloring the different tanks on a huge mothership by their status ("In" tanks highlight in green, "Out" tanks in orange, "balancing" tanks in blue) I'd suggest building groups, too. Is already mentioned? This would clean up the list alot ! My groups would be "mothership main tanks", "mothership additional tanks", "mun lander", "space hopper". Returning from Mun (other some other object), i'd like to fill up every tank in the lander, balancing out from my "mothership additional tanks", not touching the "mothership main tanks". For MonoProp AND Oxydizer AND LiquidFuel. But by decluttering the list of tanks somehow, the current way to show several groups at once and clicking all three seperately, would be ok. Sometimes I send fuel supplies, several tanks of fuel attached to a little "traktor" Tank+Engine+lots-of-RCS. This group "fuelsupply" flies to the mothership and dumps into "mainship main tanks", which by their own are in "balancing (within group)" mode. Without touching the "traktor" tank, to be able to fly back to kerbin and recycle this traktor. With the suggested screenshots from Climberfx (nice work. I like the way the status can be seen instantly), I'm not really sure how to organize the groups. Within each type of ressource? Or beyond ressource types? Looking at the suggestion from Climberfx, I could want to replace the headings of the ressource types with the groups. I could select "mothership additional tanks" and "lander". Within each group I get the different ressource types listed, which should in general have the same status. (consider optical feedback to check this). We would need additional group actions, "Balance All" could get partners like "Hil","Stp","In", which work balanced over the group (to keep the COG in balance, or - with highlight - check the groups)... ... just my 0.02 cents... I don't know if this would be programmable. I just wish a more-gui-driven approach, I don't care how the tanks are named and what capacity they have. together they are "the lander", only 23,5% ressources left... it needs to be filled up. But anyway: Thanks for this already really useful tool ! Keep on Fr@nk
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