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Posts posted by RagnosCZ

  1. 21 hours ago, bokrif said:

    Actually they can be found in \Tantares\Parts\SOYUZ\DEPRECATED


    Edit: so they show up easily if I tweak it a little bit, but the textures are sadly very basic:

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    On 2/24/2020 at 8:08 AM, Gunslinger1 said:

    I just noticed that the old shenzhou parts aren't in the latest update. Anyone know how I can go about getting those parts back? 

    You can copy textures from previous version (v20.0) and replace placeholder textures of deprecated parts.

    For parts themselves just delete line "TechHidden = True" and assign some category to them in part *.cfg files, for example "category = Utility".

    I restored few parts like this and from what I tested, they are fully functional. For parts with crew you will also likely need to assign some appropriate internal spaces.

    So if anyone misses some older parts, you can just go through "DEPRECATED" folder and restore them :wink:

  2. SumGhai disabled that feature for the chutes in this pack to make it more novice friendly, so you can't accidentally reconfigure them, it's the same reason the built in decoupler in the SM is not stagable. You can re-enable the editor by changing a setting in the chute part file.

    Could you maybe post what to change? I can't see any value that would do that in part file. And how to make decoupler stagable would be also great :D These are amazing parts and I can see why make something novice friendly, but I would really appreciate these two features :)

  3. unfortunatly it not work (or i do it wrong). not big deal, real chute must be deleted!)

    Beale's confix fix for upside down chutes works for me. Find file "Tantares_RealChute_MM.cfg" in RealChute folder. There are configs for 2 parts and you want second one (@PART[Tantares_Parachute_A]:FOR[RealChute]). Find this...

    name = ProceduralChute

    and change it to this...

    name = ProceduralChute
    textureLibrary = StockReplacement
    currentCanopies = Main chute

    Great mod Beale by the way :)

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