I played with this a little today after having two landers smash into Minmus. It appears they work on some vehicles and not others. My mun lander that uses the IL-40 engine works no problem, both on the mun and on the launchpad. My minmus landers - which are of a very similar design - receive zero thrust from their IL-40s. They'll make fire and noise while burning fuel, but there is zero acceleration happening either in space or on the launchpad. My mod set has not changed since 0.24, where this didn't happen. Another thing to note is that in the VAB, the ILX-40 defaults to being upside down. No clue if these are related. Edit: This isn't a BD-specific issue. Bug report thread Did some more testing with an almost-stock and a stock craft. Both my normal mod installs, and a completely stock install. Craft file with BD parts. Should only need BD and Mechjeb installed. Stock craft file. Testing screenshots with some notes. This appears to be a problem related to vertical alignment of the engine and other radially mounted parts (I've tested landing gear and some other random junk). If the exhaust doesn't have a clear path to the bottom of the spacecraft, there is no acceleration applied. If the radial mount engine is positioned directly above the landing gear, it has no effect on the vehicle's actual acceleration. Offsetting the engine and landing gear makes everything work fine. Stock radial mount engines don't have this problem. <- Not true! Rockomax Mark 55 engines don't appear to suffer from this. Rockomax 24-77 (the little orange ones) do repro this bug. [*]This happens with stock landing gear as well as BD's landing gear, and other radially mounted parts. [*]Mechjeb reports the vehicle is under acceleration, even when it's clearly not moving.