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    Curious George
  1. Still need to find the part (or at least one of them) in the ship. I think I'll get used to the extra steps and having always one free action group for that purpose. Thanks anyway
  2. It is so amazing the work you are doing here. Any planned release date for this new version?
  3. I know I have a gravioly detector somewhere deep inside my cargo bay, or I just want to start the few recyclers I have but what I do not want to do is to, either look visually for each part in my ship or have an action group for every single small task my ship can do. I like a lot the interface from @linuxgurugamer and my workaround is to use this mod, querying using the part search, assigning all the tasks I want to do to group 9, and then use group 9 as a temporary action group for that. I mean, something similar without involving action groups: Find the part, do action. Is there any mod for that? Thanks a lot!
  4. Hello Kerbals I found some templates for flags and patches (really useful the ones posted by @Saybur Stuff ) but what I found always required external tools to be used (Like Inkscape) So I created a Google Slides template with everything, easy to edit and easy to export. Collaborative version (add your own assets if you want to share) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MNPL7j0Z2iIh8UgVzdsViLws3agcJXAnAAzq6M3lLUk/edit?usp=sharing Read only version (Use it as template if the collab one is broken) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DfZrT873X0eMqF3HNzJj0jHMHIqWiZo8x-AuD40jm2M/edit?usp=sharing More images: https://imgur.com/a/DmaUla4 License: Same as Sayburstuff's templates: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Based on:
  5. So happy to see this moving forward. So glad to be able to use the domes in my bases and ships again!!!
  6. Same problem here. Before the recompile KSP was crashing. Now it opens but IR parts are unaccessible and old vessels using IR parts are impossible to open
  7. I have the same problem, the relative speed makes no sense between my 2 vessels: KSS-1 and KSS-Mission2 As you can see on the video: Using the KSS-Mission2 their distance becomes bigger, switching to KSS-1 without changing anything (not burnout, nor rcs, just changing the vessel) the distance becomes smaller. What is happening is: the used vessel is the faster one. KSP Version: 0.25.0 Build 00642 Linux 64-bit, KSP 64-bits and 32-bits (tested both) using Steam Save folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mtwo0mjlb8iuut5/Agustin.zip?dl=0
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