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10 Good
  1. VTOL-SSTO Space Station Re-fueler design in the works. Will post as soon as it is finished.
  2. Finally some feedback! Although I do have agree with you on the loss of thrust, this craft weighs only 9.8t with a full fuel tank so even though I do lose a lot of thrust it's negligible in my opinion since it takes less than half thrust to achieve lift. Also i've noticed that by having my lift engines angled like that, using the "q" and "e" keys to kill horizontal velocity was much easier and responsive. I've also taken into account fuel consumption and the CoG (center of gravity) moving, with this craft you don't have to worry about that since even on a empty fuel tank the CoL (center of lift) is still slightly behind the CoG and more of less in the same position as the full fuel tank.
  3. I spent many hours designing and then fine tuning this machine. You should have no problem flying this thing with sas on, although landing it is a little bit more difficult. Download Front of Ship Right Side of Ship Back of Ship Left Side of Ship Top View
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