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Jeroen D Stout

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Everything posted by Jeroen D Stout

  1. I think calling a landing site "Jeb's Landing" is just asking for trouble, to be fair.
  2. Cheers. I had been eyeing the actual heat more than the FX, though there is something about the orange trail that is particularly alarming
  3. You could have an second look-up table that correlates purely the scattering of the sun in the atmosphere. It is a bit of a problem because atmospheric scattering is somewhat unique in 3 dimensions for every moment in time; but you might get away with a texture that represents horizontal-angle-to-sun one one axis and time-of-day on another. That is, purely for atmospheric contribution, as the actual sun contribution is fixed. (Though to be fair at this pointâ€â€and with KSP's low graphical demandsâ€â€you might as well render and blur cubemaps at intervals.)
  4. I was just wondering Are the white and red 'trails' correct with regards to Deadly Reentry or are they just KSP effects that have nothing to do with actual atmosphere? EDIT: Whoops, I realise I am sort-of conflating DE and FAR in my head, asking that.
  5. If you accomplish this, you will be seated along with the other gods that make Kerbal Space Program a measurably better thing.
  6. The 2d look-up texture certainly should work. You could probably get away with just having one texture for all planets that describes in RGB the amount of light from the ground, the atmosphere and heavenly objects. You could then use that to modulate either a fixed planet/atmosphere colour or per-planet ground colour texture. EDIT: Though the different atmosphere densities may give a bit of a wonky result.
  7. I spent an hour of real time flying at mach 4 to catch the markers. I think I finally understand aircraft simulators. I never would have spent so much time just flying on Kerbin, listening to the radio while cruising at an altitude if it were not for this mod. Absolutely lovely. (Also, precision steering at 18km height is insane if you did not think ahead about it.) EDIT: Are there any plans to have missions use specific unique parts (like the test models)? Just flying over an area has a slightly different feel to it should I have to add in a specific sensor and activate that at the right time.
  8. I have to say I would think it reasonable that would not keep the ship if the mission is to establish a base. It is in a way the inverse of the 'rescue from Kerbin' missions where you gain crew. On that note, 'ferry this Kerbin to this base' would be an interesting mission structure, if it has not been mentioned before.
  9. I was afraid you would say that It turns out it was the problem with my install destroying parachutes on deployment. Not sure what fixed it, though I removed, restarted and re-added Deadly Re-entry, I can deploy parachutes properly now. (And they fizzle up on bad re-entries, too!) Cheers for a great mod, without it KSP would not be what it is. I shall launch more rockets! *explodes*
  10. Perhaps this is my mind fogging over, but are the parachute contracts possible while using deadly re-entry? They usually require altitudes and speeds far in excess of what deadly re-entry (in my limited experience) would allow. Just asking because I am not sure whether I am running into the same bug as Zeenobit or am just not thinking clearly.
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