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Everything posted by jnoppe

  1. RedDwarfIV, is that big nice looking ship capable of smooth travel ? If so I like to try building something that big also. edit: first try ; http://youtu.be/zHKQAjakCHg
  2. Indeed, I found to have the same problems in non-powered landings.
  3. that Snow owl is a nice ship by the way. I´ve used designs like that in the past. and it worked. Plus i finally managed to land a jet on the Mun surface : http://youtu.be/ZDBPY9hCUyY full clip : http://youtu.be/BF5VT_ZzzQw good luck
  4. Not bad . I also considered landing in such way but, i wanted to set her down on her wheels. And that seems to be difficult, I already exploded Many ships while trying that.
  5. Thanks, i\'ll give it another go tomorrow but for now, i hope you can make it. Maby i\'ll post another video when its mission succes. O and goodluck gooing nuclear
  6. hey fellow ksp fans, I was wondering if anyone landed a jet on the surface on the mun ? since i´ve been unable to find some picture or video of it. Thus i decided i would give it a go. Here is the result : http://youtu.be/GDixtC-_YEc Ps sorry for 480p, i have HD version if you´re interested (Also with a jet, I consider everything as long as it is able to take off,land horizontal.) EDIT: HD take off; http://youtu.be/t1iMi9xl27U Good Luck And hopefully i see alot of pics and clips
  7. Did Mun landing a couple of times but i managed to capture one pretty smooth one
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