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Everything posted by stanz25

  1. Hey! Just received my little kerbal!
  2. Hello and Welcome to the Race to Gilly! The Kerbals have observed many asteroids and have plenty of science. There next step is to visit some of the smaller moons of the system. This includes: Gilly, Bop, and Pol Your goal is to scan the moon of your choice for resources! Afterwards you must send a mission to retrieve data from said moon! There are Three levels! 1. One moon = 100 pts 2. Two moons = 200 pts 3. All Three! = 1000 pts There are also Point rewards based off of craft design and efficiency! The amount of science you retrieve is also added to the score! If you just don't have the time/patience to start a new career game. You may cheat in some science to unlock all of the parts. NOW! We shall cover the rules! 1. Absolutely no cheating/Debug mode/Kraken Drives!! 2. Mods not allowed: Mech Jeb, Hyper edit, interstellar, warp crap, and stuff like that. 3. Mods allowed: Any parts mods that don't give you infinite fuel. 4. Please Please Please have fun! My entry will be posted by tomorrow! Score board 1. 2. 3. 4. Alrighty Peeps! Get to it!
  3. Hey! I will post a picture as soon as I get it!
  4. I miss this mod so so much. I had a huge base on Minimus. I would love if somebody revamped it!
  5. Chaka Monkey is a replication mod of the Orion space craft and missions. It includes the pod its self, landers, engines, solar, fuel, etc.
  6. Ok new problem! I installed the new update to Konstructs and KerbinSide. When I click on the icon nothing happens.
  7. This may sound a little stupid but, How do I install this? EDIT: I put the medsouz folder in the Gamedata folder. When I launch the game and go to the VAB there's a question mark and nothing but KSC loads in the GUI. EDIT2: I got Kerbin side installed but now I can't open the gui.
  8. Anything is possible, Hardcore mode is the EXTREMELY challenging.
  9. Hello! Its a little hard to fit all of the science modules you can into ONE probe. Ask us, and well do it for you! We will take requests and also have prebuilt probes available! Stock probes and modded probes! Coming 10/25 We're looking for partners!
  10. I have failed My Laythe/vall lander kinda exploded and I forgot to quicksave. My last qucksave was just before Aerobraking. I will have to re-design and Create a new mission. Here is the album of what i did. Link ------> Leviathan Crafts -------> Leviathan Crafts I am going to create a new mission, thats more stable and efficient.
  11. Lol you can say i cheated. I did. However I didn't use photoshop. I just wanted to see how you guys would react. I think its awesome how us users know how to spot out the cheaters and take em down!
  12. Imagine doing the Jool 5 challenge like this. Thats would be like Jool 5 Ultra Jeb Mode.
  13. This Beast is for The Jool 5 Challenge.
  14. TA DA!!!!! The mother ship is done! Mission will continue today! And I'm planning on finishing Tomorrow! Can't wait!
  15. I am now realizing that I can pull off a Level 3. I have like 6 kerbals on the mother ship.
  16. Banned for not allowing a half designer.
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