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Posts posted by AlexTheStampede

  1. This isn\'t the fastest by any means, but I thought I\'d share my first Land Speed Mission with a few pictures. The delivery aircraft was an absolute pig to fly below 8km or so, I\'m guessing due to the strange drag effects of the rover mounted at such a Kerbal angle.

    No .cfg edits, just standard mods such as C7.


  2. I ran a couple of tests, just for fun: first one, cfg edit of the turbines, 400 each. I _think_ it\'s impossible to go up to 300m/s with the cart, as I managed to get about 280m/s (almost full power, too) before a small jump ruined everything.

    Second test, water speed record! lol. Took off, auto landed on water (upside down) and started running... 21m/s and at about 22 it pointed down and turned into a submarine O_O\'

  3. Very nice alex! Can I ask what the dialog windows about servo control and engines/turbines are? That looks interesting

    Thanks, I did that record just for fun, posted it in my nation\'s thread, and then found this challange.

    Anyway, I used two turbines from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10138.0. (200 power each one, yeehaw!) and the servo is from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0

  4. Oh, fun. Also? For the moment I\'m the one with the best speed, no cgf edit and a screenshot :D


    At that speed it jumps a lot, but lands safely (notice the almost empty tank....) and the kerbalnauts are quite relaxed. They die, as apparently slowing down causes it to topple and obviously explode. Very kerbal.

    The servo is there to topple the beast on the launch tower, basically just dead weight lol.

  5. I think I wrote in the readme and this post that it only maps the mun for now. Mapping Kerbin is not realistic at the moment because there is nothing to map when you are orbiting 70 km away from the surface or higher. The game changes the resolution of terrain depending on how close you are to the terrain and eventually makes it a low poly sphere I suspect and possibly drops the collision mesh completely. Iow there\'s nothing to scan but -1.

    I might enable a separate kerbin file if there is demand but you\'d need to map with a plane or just do area maps with a rover or something when I get around to implementing generating area maps.

    Crashed on the Mun (MechJeb can be quite hit and miss) and still no csv.... running version 1.4.1 just released XD

    EDIT: never mind, I missed the part about only working on the active stage....

  6. It dosen\'t seem to save anything at all? No csv or any other file in KSP folder.... I\'m kinda puzzled. Plugin is there, part is there (and attached). If I try to map bits of Kerbin while I take off, no file. If i make a 'Google StreetView-ish' car I get no file... what\'s going wrong? I even made all of KSP folder and subfolders fully read/write!

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