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Posts posted by Maars

  1. 5 hours ago, /not/pol/ said:

    ... SQUAD Turning Flat earth on us?

    yeah!  what on earth?  ..... or rather - what on flat earth???  the firmament?!  i strive to be tolerant but this little doozy is hard to let slip through the cracks.  

    29 minutes ago, something said:

    I guess the super secret fun stuff everybody will like is mod support for further languages...

    SQUAD - your staff interject when we all complain, because apparently we're full of too much "salt".  So here's some objectivity for you guys :  Your devnotes used to be awesome, full of information and that's why KSP fans loved it.  Now, your "KSP weekly" pretty much sucks and everyone knows it.  Basically, your doing a reeeaaally wonderful  job of creating a reeeaaally boring PR exercise.  Wow, how to lose support of a large part of the community in a matter of a few months.  I hope you do have something up your sleeves as this is just bullocks. Week after week of mindless cr*p.  


    Can someone say "L O C A L I S A T I O N"



  2. I must say, these new 'devnotes' are quite simply, rubbish.  They might as well be hastily scrawled with pencil onto a napkin.  Ambiguous, non descript one-liners that seem to inform yet do nothing of the sort.  What happened to you Squad, where did you go?





  3. On 30/10/2016 at 9:13 PM, blowfish said:

    So something occurred to me - how many people actually use AJE without FAR?  Given that a 1.2 compatible version of FAR has not materialized yet, is there any demand for a release before FAR updates?

    Don't know about the rest but personally, I can wait.  I don't and can't and won't play KSP without it.

  4. Huh, that is interesting. This bug nearly ruined my whole career game and i had to port it over to a new one by cutting and pasting kerbal stats, kerbal final frontier flags and all other necessary info.


    one thing my plea for help did was make me realise how awesome the ksp community is, i started this thread and a week later some heads got together and found a solution.... Thank you guys!


  5. Firstly, thanks for your time and help with this issue guys.  Earlier in my career game I launched my first sun probe, which left kerbins SOI and then this bug struck.  So given the above information, is this embedded in the save file?  Meaning, even if I do a fresh install and then smash my save game in, it won't work, or will it?

    Claw, I'm happy to do the time consuming thing but what is it that needs doing exactly?  Is it a case of simply removing mods almost one by one, as I've done that yet I have to leave certain dependencies otherwise my crafts won't load in order to keep checking the bug. Do I fresh install and start maybe from the ground up, adding mods and testing?

    Also, I thought the my craft were fine when in another planetary SOI, however I noticed on my probe now in Duna's SOI that there are no Nans apart from the electricity bar, which of course reads a big fat Nan.  

    It's absolutely raining Nan's over here guys.  What an awful bug.


    RANT CITY :  You wait for a KSP update, then wait literally weeks for your mods to be updated, then the few that you really love are always lagging (like science alert!), then you finally start a new career game, then during this you have to tweak the daylights out of it and maybe even restart a few times, but that's ok, it's still early game.  Then you finally get the thing rolling and then BAM!  

    The story of Kerbal lovers everywhere is like owning a classic car - you're stuck in the garage tuning and fiddling and retuning.  Then sometimes it runs well enough to let you actually go for that drive.




  6. If I timewarp for quite a few days in the flight centre scene then my contracts also disappear.  However, they come back on next game reload.

    Not sure, it might be something to do with contract reward modifier or contract configurator.  Weird thing is when I warp using the KCT button, it all goes fine, it's just when I warp manually that they start dropping off the list.

  7. 9 hours ago, Kadrush said:

    I am experiencing the same issue.

    I tried to remove several non part mods (distant objects), and also deleted very fast probe that was in speed to escape Kerbol SOI as i guessed i was facing the high speed kraken. Both didnt worked. Launched different ships with differents parts that showed on the erro messages, even launched a full stock ship, both didnt worked.


    Edit, after removing several mods my stock craft was still bugging outside kerbin SOI. My guess is that SETI probe part mods installed via ckan has changed something on the way that solar panels worked (the error messages were solar panel related and SETI is the only mod that changed the way panels worked, well, near future electrical should as well, but i never had issues with it) that stayed there after i removed such mod. Therefore i am going to make a full reinstall of the game (fully removing the folder from steam), install less mods and make a few launchs on sandbox to test my theory later.


    Yeah, bit of a problem.  I spent two days scheming on removing mods then replicating my full install in sandbox (which worked fine), and finally I resorted to not touching any craft in orbit around Kerbol.  I wait until they reach another planet's SOI then it seems to be ok again.  So no adjustment maneouvres in transit but i can live with that.

    Hope this little bug doesn't end up being a game breaker as I have no clue as to what it could be.  I don't use any SETI parts nor NF Electrical but i do have a boatload of mods installed so something is definitely screwing with the machinery.

  8. Hi Guys,


    I've noticed two other threads here already with the same problem and no solution.

    Basically I launch a vessel and when it leaves Kerbins SOI I can't go back to it from the flight centre screen (via alarm clock) nor the tracking station.  When i  do I get a black screen, massive lag and the NAN displayed everywhere.

    My log file : 


    I'm literally weeks into my career game and feel sick at the thought of starting again.  Would anyone be able to shed some light on the matter after having a glance at my output log?   I've tried to remove as many mods as possible without messing with mod dependencies but nothing helps, problem always happens.  

    Any nudges in a logical direction would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Mr Potatto, Mr Potatto, you are the most creative modder EVER.

    With all due respect to the human instruction manual that is Scott Manley, this is the most hilarious thing in the history of KSP.

    See, when I was new to Kerbal I used to watch Manley's videos to learn a bit about the game but my ears used to burn off and my skin used to get goose bumps whenever he tried one of his try-hard creative speeches, usually ending with "blah blah ...... or something like that".  So the irony of this mod does not escape me!  I just love it so much :) 




  10. 15 minutes ago, rasta013 said:

    Yeah I had the exact same issue recently.  For whatever reason that was never able to be tracked down, my contract system lost it's mind and started generating non-stop contracts of all kinds one after another and killing them immediately with a message of "Over the maximum limit" even though I was allowed unlimited contracts.  Re-installing Contract Configurator and all my packs did absolutely nothing.  What ended up solving the problem for me was removing and reinstalling Contract Reward Modifier.  It had lost its mind apparently and just refused to allow any new contracts other than those being offered by a single pack - the first in the list, Anomaly Surveyor.  If you're having this kind of problem and have the Modifier installed I'd recommend starting there.

    Reward modifier gave me problems also.  I only use it to set my science rewards to 0 but i'm sure there's another way, config file modification perhaps?  

    Anyways, sorry to go off topic from the thread.

  11. 24 minutes ago, JPLRepo said:

    Can you post a link to your log? yes ResearchBodies checks EVERY contract that is generated and if that contract has something to do with a body you have yet to discovery it will withdraw the contract.
    It does this check every time a contract is generated (to check the one just generated), so it does not do it regularly (only when one is generated) and it only checks the contract just generated.
    But If you have lots of mod packs generating LOTS of contracts, then that could be a problem.

    Pesky little buggers these contracts. :)

    Once I'm home later on this arvo I'll smash researchbodies back into my game then grab the log for you.  Thanks for the reply and thanks for taking care of this beautiful mod. 

    btw, good to see another fellow Melbournian online.  Can't wait tilI I get back home myself.

  12. 23 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

    Shouldn't have anything to do with this mod. It doesn't do anything to the celestial bodies at the KSC screen. During flight, should not make much impact either.
    If you remove the ProgressiveCBMaps folder does it fix the problem? I'd be surprised by this. I'd think you have something else going on.

    EDIT: in flight it is only processing the local bodies. The tracking station is a problem because it processes ALL the bodies on load of the scene.

    It's probably another mod that is hurting it as I have heaps installed.  I checked debug and the only thing it keeps outputting is that researchbodies is cancelling certain contracts every few seconds, oddly enough that's when it stutters.  

    I might get rid of a few contract packs and re-try this mod, see if that makes any difference as those innocent looking contract mods have actually caused some grief in the past.



  13. I too, am very curious.

    I simply hate the stock save system, craft history not only organises crafts, it also has an effect of helping with mission structure due to it's cataloguing nature.

    Space Tiger, kind sir, would there be any possibility of you updating the current mod to 1.3 before you release the new one so we have some use out of craft history's glory?  If I keep using the stock save system pretty soon flying monkeys will defecate on my house and goblins will eat my children. 


    ps - your mod is simply awesome and worthy of being stock a million times over so thank you kindly for making it

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