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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Just a heads up to my fellow hardware enthusiasts, the recent announcement of Radio Shack's bankruptcy has left oodles and oodles of delicious switches, potentiometers, and other bits and baubles without good homes. These parts can be had for about 80% off. Do us all a favor and give them a home before it's too late. *In the aaarrrrmmmmsss offffff thee angellllllll"
  2. I tried asking for one, it was mostly ignored. All this work being shared (and code along with it) certainly seems to be a completely different topic than one single "mod"
  3. That makes total sense. If it were a node, it would have to be constantly tracking and adjusting based not only on what your anticipated maneuver is, but what is going on with the body you are currently attached to.
  4. Thanks for all the tips! The new Waypoints add-on certainly helps I seem to be thinking outside the scope of the current game. I've been following some of the hardware/external mods of Kerbal and the idea of being able to program remote satellites and then having a "mission control" setup for several players is my kind of fun. Without launch windows, maneuver programming and the like being able to be provisioned in advance of ignition would somewhat dull the experience. There's an analogy to be made about the hopes and expectations of us Kerbalnauts to Squad and the public and their space programs!
  5. Is there a way to program a maneuver before leaving the launchpad? For the contract missions required to survey, I'd like to know what direction I have to aim!
  6. Thank you for the update and the baiting of my senses with the O'Neill Cylinder reference. What I wouldn't give to have one (or three) hurtle through my Kerbal System!!!
  7. I believe there is enough of a difference between modifications to the game and the controls, panels, etc. that people are building warrants the creation of another subforum. Piecing together information about several of the projects that people are working on here is starting to get cumbersome, and I don't think that a few of the new threads I would like to start on the subject make sense in the current forum layout.
  8. Thanks for this. If I throw money into a flight stick, it's going to be because of this mod! I'm a bit shocked this mod missed .90 integration, to be honest.
  9. This is great. I don't feel like the contract system is fully fleshed out yet; and this helps to solve that.
  10. I second this. Explorer and Sputnik should have their moment in the career Sun...even if its only for a moment!
  11. The file is only an HTML file, but the site they are hosting this on sucks. Be sure to click this link:
  12. This went from nice to fraktastic on your idea to add light flicker. Pure genius. I'm suddenly inspired to invest in a hamster, a hamster wheel, and a way to push values back into KSP to recharge electricity...
  13. It's a javascript interface for the Telemachus data, so the source code is essentially baked in. This is very well done. Despite getting inspiration from a clean source, I feel that you took that inspiration and have a good understanding of delivering precisely what is needed in a minimalist sense. If this isn't a piece for a portfolio of work you do, it should be. Keep up the good work!
  14. You are correct! In the VAB, holding shift and rotating allows me to fine tune the angle. This was not working in the SPH for me.
  15. I would like to launch a device at an angle as opposed to straight vertical or horizontal. Does anyone know any tricks to setting up a launch like this? I want to recreate some of the Air Force's old wing missiles like the Bull Goose and the Snark.
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