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  1. Greetings to all! I have a question about an specific mod: The Welding magic (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107273) I don´t know if it generate any advantage more that less part count = les cpu load .___.) But is a dream made true for the Karbonite competition The sequence is: Oversized incredible design with Lifesupport + FAR ´+ Deadly + ... => Slow ensambling in orbit => Game progresively slow => frustration => Delete u_u, (Yes. Do a small vehicle.... ) *************** Ziv: best challenge ever . Playing champaing and reserving Jool for "endgame" mision = soo good (personal life constrains killed this plan too so many times xD)
  2. This can´t be more epic. Mother of God!
  3. Adding a trivial change that is a 5 minutes code for devs: Posibility to add entire ships as subparts :-( Small ship tested. Alls ok.. but some central piece ended as root... Reconstructing the same ship initiating with a dummy module... is annoying as hell.
  4. This is no place for big asks so... * The small set of structural pieces, tanks and engines. But KSP is having the classic problem of an extremely successful game still in dev: the develop is lagging behind the mod comunity (in a way I never seen) Im not asking to integrate the mods the modes that revamp the whole gameplay (as aerodinamics, or remotetech, lifesuport, deadly reentry, ...). But, in particular, working with an ensambled ship is the hell witout an actions mod.
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