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  1. I got this: "Actor::updateMassFromShapes: Compute mesh inertia tensor failed for one of the actor's mesh shapes! Please change mesh geometry or supply a tensor manually!" after add a V1 Cargo Capsule!
  2. What about integrate a auto-updater in the mod?
  3. Thank you, man! The problem persists but the game now run since I could reduce to half resolution.. Did anyone had problem with parts with strange sizes after updates? I have some mining ships around and the heavy driller got 10x bigger there (making them explode when I try to use them) and even in the vessel files.. However, the heavy driller part by itself, when assembly ships, is fine! If not.. is there a way to check in the code and replace it without losing my ships or rebuilding vessels?
  4. Guys, I still getting a message saying that Kethane is not compatible with Unity 4.5.3p2 (Mac OSX)... anyone else?
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