I found that out when I tried using it after posting yesterday. I was able to fix it though, by using a dynamic scale height which I estimated by graphing the known altitudes/ATM values from the kerbin table in the wiki, then graphing my desired altitude. I found that if I slid it along the altitude line that when it lined up to the curve that I get a close enough scale height factor to use in the calculation (since the scale height appears to be nonlinear). Based on that, I was able to find the scale height and ATM value for my desired 10,833m altitude (which comes to about 5714 and .150 respectively). Of course, the above was rather pointless if I'm understanding you correctly because I need the density and not pressure. I was under the impression that the first number in the atmCurve table was atm pressure which told ksp what altitude was desired and then ksp looked up the density based on the input pressure for the altitude. It doesn't help that I've been trying to do this when I'm already tired but I've come across conflicting explanations of what the numbers in the atm and velCurve tables represent and what's worse is none of what I found was posted as "official", just findings of random forum posters. I'll have to come back to this after I've had some rest.