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Everything posted by Gurthang99

  1. KSP Parachute Calculator, very nice! Thanks for help, as always.
  2. Has anyone tried to rescue Lodorf Kerman? It's one of the contracts available. I am going to give it a go, but first I have to find him in orbit. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
  3. Listen to Sirrobert and Norpo, for they are wise.
  4. Earlier, I had posted about testing a parachute. Thru a lot of trial and error, I finally got the contract done. Now I would like to know if there is math that I can use to reduce trial and error. Addons or mods are welcome, too, but I am mostly interested in the math. Here is the original post, if you are curious: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97037-Test-Mk16-Parachute-in-flight-over-Kerbin
  5. I went for the descent option, mostly because it sounded like the cheapest way to fulfill the contract. I used the following: Command Pod Mk1 Mk16 Parachute TR-16A Stack Decoupler FL-T800 Fuel Tank LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine Steps: Launch at half throttle and burn all fuel Head out to ocean Detach fuel tank and engine Wait for all check marks to go green Pop the chute Recover vessel Thanks for the help, everyone!
  6. Thanks, everyone. Gonna try it now. I will reply when I have success.
  7. Has anyone had any luck fulfilling this contract? I am getting green check marks, but they go away when I land. The only check that has stayed green is the Kerbin one. I have activate the parachute when I see the green check for Flying, for instance, but it doesn't stay green, even though I land with just the parachute deployed. I tried again with LT-1 landing struts, same thing, doesn't stay green. Additionally, how do I alter my profile avatar, the option is not present, currently, like it shows in the new user guide.
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