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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That didn't help.. I'm downloading win 10 preview now, and will try to run it there instead.. But i will not give up on the mac, so i will keep the post updated with some .log files and stuff if i get it to work just a little..
  2. Just gave that a try, and it didn't help I'm trying the previous stable version of the game in a sec to see if that helps..
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wqmsrjxgl7ax5i/Player.log?dl=0 Here's the .log
  4. And, it worked first time i started it up, but then i pressed start new game, and it stopped responding, and now i won't start again..
  5. I have got it to run yesterday night, but when i woke up and wanted to play, it didn't work again, and i have tried everything i did to make it work yesterday, also running KSP.app right from the folder.. It's running on my Bootcamp macbook pro on windows, but can't get it to work here..
  6. I have tried having it running for 10 min.. but nothing happens at all, it's not responding.. I have tried the fixes 3-4 times :/
  7. Here's the Player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wqmsrjxgl7ax5i/Player.log?dl=0 And thanks for the welcome
  8. Hey I have been trying to get my KSP to work on my Macbook Air 1,8 GHz i5 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 ram.. When i start the game, it opens the window, and then stops responding.. I have tried the things in the OS X thread, but nothing seems to help.. Can anyone help?
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