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    Curious George
  1. Hi there. I'm a newcomer to KSP and I a some questions. In the "To the mun part 1" tutorial, the ship has one big engine at one end, and five smaller engines at the other. I made some tests using maneuver nodes on the orbital map and I found that the navball doesn't take into account which engine(s) is/are running. For example, is this tutorial, you start with the bigger engine running. If you add a maneuver node, align the ship with the maneuver prograde on the navball and then shut down the bigger engine and start the smaller ones, the maneuver prograde doesn't move. Yet, if you start your burn, you will appy a thrust in the opposite direction of your maneuver. Am I missing something ? Or is there a way to made the navball to take into account which engines are running ? I hope my explanations aren't to messy (PS : I'm running KSP under ubuntu 14.04) Thank you.
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