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  1. The Carbon Dioxide Wedge appears at Specialized Electrics (far on the tech tree), way beyond the rest of the TACLS container wedges. Is that by design? if it is, why? It may be because of the MM patch for KSPI that rearranges parts on the existing nodes. QuickFix: Edit the .cfg file for the Carbon dioxide container, replace specializedElectrics by spaceExploration (where the other cointainers are)
  2. I don't know if its only me (maybe because of the MM patch for KSPI), but the CO2 tank its on Specialized Electrics (almost at the end of the tech tree), when it should be at Space Exploration, just like the rest of the TAC wedges. EDIT: I messed it duplicating the post, sorry about that, there's a quickfix down. Remember to substract the cost from your funds if you are playing with entry costs
  3. Just a little heads up, the parts have no entry cost, It just needs to be added on the .cfg files.
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