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Mr. Khaos

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    Curious George

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  1. Greetings, my fellow Kerbals! Today I decided to get some mods, A LOT of them. And when I launch my game with the mods installed, it crashes about 10-20 seconds afterwards. Error.txt file:Unity Player [version: Unity 4.5.2f1_9abb1b59b47c] KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP.exe at 0033:03930000. Error occurred at 2014-10-17_214916. D:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program .24\KSP.exe, run by Dennis. 39% memory in use. 16323 MB physical memory [9891 MB free]. 18627 MB paging file [11516 MB free]. 8388608 MB user address space [8384835 MB free]. Write to location 03930000 caused an access violation. Context: RDI: 0x6a046680 RSI: 0x4983e880 RAX: 0x4a835f00 RBX: 0x38b806e0 RCX: 0x4a835f00 RDX: 0x00000004 RIP: 0x03930000 RBP: 0x0058ed10 SegCs: 0x00000033 EFlags: 0x00010206 RSP: 0x0058eb70 SegSs: 0x0000002b R8: 0x4a835f00 R9: 0x00000000 R10: 0x4a83f000 R11: 0x91420e02 R12: 0x0058f040 R13: 0x00000000 R14: 0x0058f0c0 R15: 0x5ab08690 Bytes at CS:EIP: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Module 1 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\xinput1_3.dll Image Base: 0x00400000 Image Size: 0x0001e000 File Size: 107368 File Time: 2007-04-04_195422 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® FileDesc: Microsoft Common Controller API FileVer: 9.18.944.0 ProdVer: 9.18.944.0 == [end of error.log] == PC Specs:Windows 8 64 bit Intel i7 4770K 3.4 Ghz Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB 16GB RAM Mods list: Active Texture Management B9 Aerospace BDArmory BoulderCo Chatterer Community Resource Pack Exsurgent Engineering Firespitter Hubs Interstellar KAS KASA Kerbaltek KerbinCity KineTech Animation NASAmission [Not mod] NearFutureSolar Nova Punch 2 Open Resource System ResGen Romfarer SciFi Spaceplane Plus Squad [Not mod] TreeLoader TweakScale Plugins: DynamicWarp.dll ExsurgentEngineering.dll Firespitter.dll Kerbtown.dll KineTechAnimation.dll MechJecb2.dll PlanetFactory.dll ResGen.dll RomfarerHSTWlaser.dll UniverseReplacer.dll It perplexes me to how little the devs seem to care about this game's mod support. This has to be (BY FAR) the most unstable game I've ever played; 1 whole year I've had to deal with this obnoxious mess of a game crashing OVER AND OVER AGAIN. If this game was less buggy and unstable, it would be my absolute favorite game ever.
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