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Posts posted by albalma01

  1. On 6/30/2020 at 10:22 AM, CrashTestDanny said:

    It probably will succeed.  That said, I don't currently intend to buy it because of what I've read about how Take Two treated Star Theory.  I've been in IT for nearly 40 years now and have seen far too many shenanigans in the corporate world for my liking.  I'm going to do everything I can to not participate in that.  Of course, we haven't heard the whole story yet, so maybe some news will come out to change my mind, but as of right now, it sounds like Take Two decided they didn't want to pay the royalties in their contract with Star Theory, so they pulled the project and then tried to recruit Star Theory's entire staff in one day.  Covid-19 came along and removed Star Theory's prospects of pitching another game, forcing the staff who hadn't already gone to Take Two to go or seek other opportunities.

    I'm not going to materially participate in Take Two's destruction of an indie studio.


    I do not take it lightly that Take Two basically became the power-hungry beast it did.  I do not appreciate these kinds of actions and I am thinking of boycotting KSP2 as much as it will hurt me not to be able to play with this game.  It's simply not fair and Take Two has proven itself to be an unworthy company of putting my money with them.  The end result will probably be a hastily cooked, lowly budget, crappy game that I will probably evaluate in Steam and then return, having played less than 2 hours, disappointed at the greed that caused an amazing game to be gutted and reduced to a ridiculous simplicity, or arcade-like experience.  I would have to get some sort of really, and I mean REALLY GOOD explanation from Take Two for having done what they did.

  2. Hello,

    I just started a new game and I get no contracts, I have gotten to the point where I have had enough money to almost make it to orbit and then I have 5,000 credits which make it pointless to launch anything, since it won't make it to space. I have fast forwarded almost a year into the game and still no contracts. Is this bugged?

    Thank you!

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