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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Hey where would i report a glitch with this because im getting this extremely annoying glitch in my pack with B9 control surfaces where they just lock up. several planes crashed before i figured out what was happening. And im running career mode so this is really costing me a lot because i use shuttles on eve duna laythe and kerbin built from B9. and no its not all control surfaces its just the B9 ones. I dont have any of the mods B9 specifies as breaking the mod.
  2. All my mods are updated and correctly installed i have over 40 of them and usually planes always work for me i use them all the time. But recently i encountered a small problem. Well not exactly small. Ive launched several different planes and none of their control surfaces seem to work. Restarted the game. Used different launch sites. And after some desperate twiddling moved the planes around a bit to see if it works. I do not have FAR or other aerodynamic mods. Support instructions say list steps to produce the bug. I load up the game normally go into the SPH load up any plane although for the sake of reproduction of the bug i use the B9 bradbury. I press the launch button and none of the control surfaces work. The first time i tried the steps were different. The same until launch button but then it was start engines, go down the runway take off at the end. Realize none of the control surfaces are working. Crash and burn. Mods(oh boy lots of typing): 6s service compartment tubes, A very kerbal christmas, AIES aerospace, b9 aerospace pack, collsion FX, color coded canisters, community resource pack, crossfeed enabler, dark multiplayer client, extraplanetary launchpads, final frontier, firespitter core, karbonite, karbonite plus, KAS, kerbal konstructs, kerbinside, kinetech animation library, klockhead martian general plugin functions, kronal vessel viewer, KW rocketry, infernal robotics, mechjeb 2, module manager, moduleRCSFX, near future construction and solar, procedural fairings and wings, raster prop monitor core, regolith, resource generation module, routine mission manager, toolbar, treeloader, USI tools, USI asteroid recyling tech, USI exploration pack, USI freight transport tech, USI kolonization systems, USI survival pack, Vanguard tech core, Virginalactic nodetoggle. All installed using CKAN mod manager. Also note this is stopping my shuttles from reaching the surface of laythe. And life support is extremely stretched on the surface in my colonies. I am working on getting a rocket out there but theres no transfer window before they starve and all the other life support is currently in orbit. So im really relying on a fix for this. If i dont get one fast enough then im going to have to repopulate several colonies.
  3. I already said i did update them and i just checked and every KW rocketry engine is glitched. Ive had to go back to stock engines
  4. Ok so ive been using my little modpack on 0.25 with KW rocketry, kethane, B9, infernal robotics, mechjeb, and maybe one or two others and i have assured they are all on the correct updates(at least i think so) but parts from KW rocketry have been having some kind of glitch. for a while i thought i was doing the fairing parts wrong because they didnt seem to fit. Then i went screw fairings and i figured it was aerodynamic enough. Then when i got to the rocket first stage engine i realized what was wrong... some of the parts i was using from KW rocketry had shrunk even though the green little ball for connecting was in the same place so it would have space between what you attached it to and the engine. I realized that all the 5m engines had shrunk to 3.75 meters even though their stats like thrust are the exact same. same problem with my fairings too. it might just be my graphics or something i have no idea im not some kind of computer genius. i didnt check any other parts except the fuel tanks for 5m and they were completely fine. Stock parts and other mod parts seemed fine too. What is wrong? please help (its kind of hard to assemble a space station when my rockets arent exactly working)
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