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Everything posted by Jeffer

  1. I know, I want a mushroom cloud as well as other super cool effects and whatnot. I've been trying to figure out how to mod the explosion effects for the game (or really, any effects for that matter). I can't find any tutorials about creating explosions and other such effects. The more I look at it, the more I suspect that modding explosions like that may require going into the actual source code and changing things which would ostensibly mean making a new plugin itself. I'm not sure how involved the code for the explosion effects are. Hey, BahamutoD, any chance you could add a scalable mushroom cloud type of explosion effect into your mod?
  2. Really great mod! I've been having quite a lot of fun with it. I'm trying to make an atomic bomb add-on for it. It destroys most of the space center when it explodes! The radius is pretty large. Is there any way to scale up the explosion effects though? I've tried tweaking the explosion size parameter in the config a few different ways, but it doesn't seem to be able to scale up larger than 2.
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