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Everything posted by cameldeath

  1. I tried version 1.2.3, but unfortunately it crashes instantly when I click on the icon. Crash log here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h48k0uwob02613v/2014-11-11_175718.rar?dl=0
  2. I'm having an interesting issue with FAR and the HX4 hangar modules. Adding more than one hangar module in a row starts skewing the CoL off to one side, which causes the craft to start spinning out of control in the atmosphere. With one module attached the CoL is dead center, but each one I add after that skews it more and more to the side.
  3. First off, I like the mod, it works great for the most part. I've hit an interesting bug though. Activating any controller screws with rovers. With any controller activated in the setup window, as soon as I hit back (S) the rover just starts accelerating forward on its own. If I hit forward (W) or disable the controller the rover stops accelerating and acts like normal, but it won't go backwards. I have reproduced this on a fresh install. Also I've noticed that a button set to control the brakes will toggle the brakes on and off, instead of applying the brakes while the button is pressed. Not sure if this is intended or not. Otherwise the mod seems to function properly, unfortunately I can't use it if my rovers all drive off on their own :/
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