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Everything posted by Leonidas

  1. This mod has been great for scanning biomes and altitudes, but I'm totally lost on resources. The ScanSat instructions on Resources don't help, because they assume too much knowledge on my part about the stock resource scanning system. I've got a satellite over the Mun at a 500km polar orbit, with an M700 and an M4435. On the resource settings, I've disabled stock scanning and left the others unchecked. But when I deploy the M700, I don't get an option to start a resource scan. I only get the option for the survey. Deploying the M4435 doesn't seem to do anything, either. It only gives options to retract the scanner or open the GUI. And the GUI complains that I haven't run the resource survey. Best I can tell, the resources scanners are working as if ScanSat isn't running at all. What am I missing?
  2. I'm a total beginner with this game. I'm still doing the tutorials. And there are a lot of keys to keep track of. But I can only see the full key map at the main menu screen, not while launching or flying, when I realize that I don't know which key to press. So howzabout helping us noobs and and making the full keymap available at all times?
  3. It eventually reset itself. I still don't know what caused it, but it's fixed now. I would reset the flag on this thread, but I don't see an option for it.
  4. This problem isn't just in the tutorial. I just used that as an example to clarify that there are no design issues. I've tried alt-L, and it doesn't seem to do anything. The only strange thing I did was to remap some of the keys, to move WASD over to the keypad. Maybe that's the problem, but there's no option to reset the keys to defaults.
  5. I follow the first tutorial for a simple rocket: control module, fuel tank, engine. The tutorial seems satisfied. I take it out onto the launch pad, press the space bar, and . . . nothing. The space bar does nothing. The rest of the game works fine, as far as I can tell. I can start the engine manually, by right-clicking on it. But I can't do much activating individual components.
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