There are currently only two platforms that support KSP, and even considering the time it takes to write a script for each one that time would still be quicker than making a program in Java. Now if you want to write one because you like practicing, go ahead, I'm just pointing out a few relevant things. People wouldn't have to "get their hands on command line tools", it's just a simple, automated built-in script. There are a few other pros as well, e.g easier editing, since the language is simpler. To finish off, no, just because I can write it in 20 minutes does not mean everyone else can do as well, some are even quicker. The file I submitted is about 20 lines of code. If you think about it I was really slow. Considering this is a relatively simple project, consider it an opportunity to familiarize yourself with other languages. If batch or shell scripting doesn't interest you, then perhaps you would like to try out Python with a relevant library to ease interaction between the code and the system.