Okay hi i'm new to the forums and to KSP overall and this is my first time on the forums, so anyways i started the game normally and my first few crew reports from space (above 70,000km) worked just fine giving me 5 science, but now whenever i try both in career mode and science mode after the first one or two reports it doesn't give me science anymore. I have tried completing an entire orbit, leaving the ship in orbit overnight, and overwriting crew reports and in both modes it doesn't work it just says 0 science on the window where it gives you the option to keep or transmit. Also i should mention that the crew reports work just fine in the atmosphere and on land/sea, this is only a problem in space. This sucks cause i really wanted to setup a space station that can do multiple crew reports and transmit them, but now i can't.. Any help will be greatly appreciated!