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Everything posted by korvanos

  1. This is an old post, but I'm still having the same problem in .90
  2. Why is the Mk2 Lander can so stupid heavy anyway. The thing is essentially useless.
  3. I was really interested in the upgradeable buildings, not just for "challenge" but because it gives the game depth and feeds the player almost a story. But at least on the default normal settings the buildings cost way too much, and the early contracts just don't pay enough. Not only that but these contracts are essentially idiotic. I'm getting "survey random kerbal spot" missions before I have aircraft, before I can make manuever nodes (hell before I can even eva). And even if I can manage them, they don't pay beans. It just leads to grinding away at unfun and annoying contracts to get enough cash to build buildings. Instead of building rockets and doing cool space stuff (which I have the tech for), i'm struggling to upgrade the kerbal hotel so my kerbals can eva. Or i'm scrimping up change to upgrade the launchpad. Either buildings need tweaking, or the contracts. Probably both.
  4. I think the contracts are a good idea, but they need a LOT of work and aren't really balanced well. There should be more straight forward early contracts that lead the player in good directions. Right now the majority of contracts are irritating busy work and feel random and nonsensical.
  5. I just experienced this bug. Managed to temporarily get control back by right clicking and undocking, but I still couldn't get to the space center. I had to alt-f4 to quit. Being unable to quit the game from the space view seems a poor design choice, that this bug highlights. It occurred when I docked a large ship to a very small ship, but neither was particularly huge. The whole thing probably wasn't more than a hundred parts.
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