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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. It is the Kerbin system that is biaised, not the thermal heat on reentry. While being far from perfect, it is not that bad (only talking about reentry here) in terms of equilibrium: try reentring the Earth on RSS or Kerbin x64 at >7 km/s, you'll need that heatshield, but you'll be fine with it. It doesn't make any sense that a craft should overheat at 2500 m/s, in terms of realism. 2500 m/s is just in the hypersonic regime, there is barely any shock heating at this speed, at least not enough to justify a heatshield. I agree that atmospheric maps should be readjusted: that is the problem with Jool (as Eve and Laythe to a lesser extent), and the reason why your craft will explode as soon as it touches Jool's atmosphere. Jool's atmosphere is simply too dense at higher altitudes: even at reasonable speeds, you'll heat way too much than expected. Your ship will almost always blow up if you're not prepared. And by the way, in RSS, for a pressure of 1 atm asl, the Earth's atmospheric height is 130km, almost twice as high as Kerbin. This is why you explode when reentring at 3.5 km/s at Kerbin, while you survive Earth reentry at 7.5 km/s, 11 km/s from the Moon or further. Having a too steep reentry is equivalent to hitting denser layers of the atmosphere too fast: this increases the heat flux maximum. During reentry, most of the energy goes into skin temperature, and as soon as you hit the maximum skin temperature of a part, it will blow up, end of story. As it turns out, real life doesn't happen this way: your heatshield will not magically explode as soon as you reach the temperature is was made for. Actually, the peak reentry temperatures experienced by heatshields are often significantly higher than the ablator's boiloff point (often around 3000°C) and that is what makes it actually ablate, and protect the craft by creating a boundary layer and insulating the craft better than any solid material could. In KSP, ablators start to ablate whenever they want to (800K IIRC) and blow up when actual heatshields only start to ablate. This is another reason why, past a certain speed in KSP, your heatshield won't help you anymore: the heat flux is stronger than what the heatshield can withstand, it heats and explodes, even if the boundary layer would insulate your ship otherwise. Squad could always add a multiplier to the reentry heat factor to make it hazardous at Kerbin but that won't solve the problem at all. While I don't have the magic answer, I think that reworking the atmospheres and heatshield mechanics is a good start. And drag is high enough as it is.
  2. The Royal Greenwich Observatory would like to have a talk with you
  3. Still in the past here in the UK, but we'll be there soon (1h05m as I write) !
  4. AFAIK, you can't just cheat free crafts in the game, you'll have to give yourself funds, and then make whatever craft you want. Either edit your savefile, or maybe it is somewhere in the debug menu.
  5. Nailed the "0 to Mach 10 in 10s" challenge !
  6. There you are: Sprint Missile v2 One half of the top fairing always blow up for some reason, but overall, the craft survived ! - - - Updated - - - Nailed it !
  7. Sorry, it is already known (pretty sure your cheat is in there) ^^ Don't know if the key bindings are explicitely displayed though. Still, I doubt many of us knew this existed (at least I didn't).
  8. If we didn't have this message, people would come and complain that the game doesn't ask them to save their ships when exiting, unlike 99% of other games/software. I think there would be more people complaining if it was removed than if it is kept in the game, so it will stay. And you probably couldn't delete that message with a simple config file, and I don't know any mod removing it. I'm not really the best to help you there, sorry.
  9. Yes I just saw that the video didn't use RF. I'm on it !
  10. OK, corrected my post I'm playing only RSS (I don't like the RO full package), and I've been on it only after 1.0, so I just assumed there was no correction. Anyway, I found doesn't not mention any of the mods you stated, so either the author did not have them, either it is included in some other mod.Still would like to hear from someone who managed it !
  11. I was just wondering if anyone had managed to make a successful ascent from Venus' surface to orbit in 1.0.x. With or without part mods, just nothing too OP and no cheats. Is it even possible anymore ? I saw a video of it being done, but that was with an older version of KSP, when the engines had constant thrust in atm or not. I have got an idea of how to do it (even SSTO it) but it's kind of a workaround of the real problem, which is the nonexistent thrust in low Venusian atmosphere. I'll still try my way, and will probably post about it if I eventually make it.
  12. New to the mod here: is there a way to node-attach the rotating parts ? They only seem to surface-attach (creating a small offset), and pressing Alt doesn't help.
  13. Started working on a Venus ascent vehicle, haven't decided if I'll make it SSTO or not though...
  14. Yes, just added my answer, and I will probably make a more detailed album tomorrow.
  15. 0 to Mach 20.2 in 16.6 secs ! I guess we can say "good enough" !
  16. I might have underestimated my TWR... well you know what they say: too much is always better than not enough !
  17. Just wondering if there was anyone here who enjoyed Stewart Cowley's Terran Trade Authority series. I myself only have had the Spacewreck book, but I've had it for several years, and it is among the things that gave me a great interest in space. I rediscovered it recently, and wish I had the other books of the series, unfortunately they are either hard to find, or quite expensive. As I read only one of the books, I'm not the most cultivated about the topic, but I know enough to enjoy what I read! Above all, what drew my interest when I got this book was the whole universe created by the author and described in the book and also the unique graphic style of the illustrations: futuristic but somehow uncomfortably realistic. For those who don't know it, the original series is made of 4 books written by Stewart Cowley (but illustrated by several artists) between 1978 and 1980: Spacecraft 2000-2100 AD Great Space Battles Shipwreck: Ghost Ships and Derelicts of Space Starliners: Commercial Travel in 2200 AD In the TTA timeline, humanity has conquered space as soon as the 21st century and these books tell the story of this conquest, mostly by description or stories of individual ships. The books are fairly large with illustrations usually covering half of the pages, and descriptions and stories of the drawn ships on the opposite page. There have been additions to the series later on, mainly a reissue of the original books, and Galactic Encounters, a non-canonical addition to the original books written by Cowley under a pseudonym. If anyone would like to talk or discuss about the books, please do so !
  18. That's cool stuff, images are beautiful, story is nice and well-written... Pretty awesome program honestly !
  19. Mine comes from this gif: BTW, anyone knows how to set your avatar to a gif ?
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