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Everything posted by Pear

  1. Yep, SCANsat works, though I think that save is now broken, unable to go to any KSC building, and the "quit to main menu" button stops working. Looking into seeing if Tarsier was fully up-to-date. If it is, I'll just load it up, remove the 3 probes I have out there that might have parts from it, and retry without it. Thanks for the help!
  2. Okay, so I tried the dev version (v9) and that seemed to fix the interference with the other toolbar windows, but SCANsat's windows still aren't showing up for me. The parts don't seem to open/animate when I activate them either.
  3. Having an issue where the active ship doesn't have an icon on the map view. Other ships do though. Any help?
  4. I'm also having an issue where the map simply doesn't display regardless of if a scanner part is activated, or the toolbar button is pressed. I also had multiple problems with the toolbar API, where some mods simply weren't displaying when clicking on their respective buttons, SCANSat included. Removing SCANSat from my GameData fixed that problem. Any help?
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