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Everything posted by Atriticuss

  1. I\'m trying to make my first mod ( a 3 meter quad coupler ) as half expected it didn\'t work. Although I\'ve troubleshot it down to the fact that it must be a setting in autodesk 2010 when exporting. I read the guide on setting autodesk up and followed the directions to a T. The only problem though is that under the export options i was told to make sure everything is unchecked except for Triangulate and Smoothing Groups but smoothing groups doesnt seem to exist in the 2010 version and the triangulate option is under the collada tab along with single matrix ( Is that sposed to be checked? ). In fact the only selections under the Geometry tab are: Split per-vertex normals, Convert deforming dummies to bones and preserve edge orientation. im pretty sure its some sort of autodesk setting because i imported a functioning item, made no changes and immediately exported it. Now the exported item gives me an ' Array index is out of range ' exception in SDK. Also is there any more in depth tutorials about modding for ksp?
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