Thanks, but to be honest i put the scratches on the windows on purpose, because i wanted it to look like the was some sort of small impact or something on the rocket. (on the next version they\'ll be cracks instead of scratches)
My first released mod. i made a skin that makes all vanilla parts look scratched Installation instructions 1. go into the .zip file 2. copy ALL parts in file 3. go to KSP (i recommend a copy of vanilla) 4. delete all parts in ksp parts folder 5. Paste the skinned parts into the folder 6.done If necessary i used jzip to zip files Enjoy!! pics at bottom of page one and here
Hey I\'ve just start making modded skins ( not realeased yet) and i was wondering how to make new parts for other mods that i plan to make later ??? :-[ ??? :-[ ??? Thanks
(My First Topic) This might already exist but i was thinking that to celebrate 2012 we use any part, mod or vanilla, and with decoupler stages, we make words like hi on the ground * Have fun 8) * * * ** * * * * Make sure to post pics 4 proof