I was messing around with the cargo bays one morning, and came up with an unorthodox way to use them. One thing led to another, and suddenly I had a huge carrier. Introducing the Ursa Majoris aka "Mama Bear" Parts: 784 Deplacement: 845 tons wet / 330 tons dry Maximum crew: 9+16+196 8 seamless hangar doors per side, each with three nodes (centerline sz1, sz0 on top/bottom walls) for flexible deployment of anything from a couple of SSTOs, up to 48 small craft. Two exterior sz2 nodes with ample clearance, four small drone bays, and 16 shielded docking ports spread along the hull for a total of 70 different options for docking. Total LFO stores of 7 large sz3 fuel tanks, of which 2 are earmarked for refueling parasite vessels. For those who wish to adapt it with modded parts, the engines are easily replaced without need for thrust-balancing. There are 8 optional turret foundations if weapons are desired. Additional tanks for other resources (like for ex. xenonfuel or kethane) to be accessible inside the hangar can preferrably be placed on top of the RCS tanks if sz2, or "inside" the cargo bays that form the hangar doors if smaller. Downloads: Just the ship With launcher