google hasn't been kind to me in trying to solve a couple problems I've been having, so I am asking here. Sorry if these problems are with another mod. Fresh RO 1.05 install using CKAN.
#1 is a problem with craft bouncing on the surface of the ocean after splash-down making it difficult to recover. I think I had a solution to this for 0.90, but can't remember what is was.
#2 is a resizing issue with the engines from a mod. I think it is the KW Rocketry engines after the RO patch is applied. Engines are too small, though the anchor points seem correct. The ascent and descent engines from Apollo were too big on previous installs, but seem fine this time around. This problem has been around since at least .90 for me. In the second photo, I used Offset to prevent a gap using the RL-10.The exhaust effect doesn't seem to be coming from the right point, though I am not really concerned about that. I think the weight/thrust/fuel consumption are correct for all engines.
I know nothing about programming but can follow directions. Are there just a bunch of things that still need tweaking after installation? Deadly re-entry works, but uses up only 1% of ablative material.
I am so happy to have KSP to play, especially with RO. I use CH controls in a HOTAS setup, which I love, though still need the NUM pad for action groups (my number pad is separate and wireless, which is nice). I use a word doc on a second monitor rotated portrait to keep track of the ever-changing action groups. If anyone wants to use it, its below. I just keep a blank one on the end for copying and title each page with the associated craft name.