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Everything posted by RAINCRAFTER

  1. 0.23.5 0.90 First Duna Landing! (Also, it carried 2 kerbals, used no nukes, and didn't return.) EDIT: Please tell me forum account if he has one.EDIT2: First of all, sorry for necroposting. Also, I got KSP in 0.23.5. Sorry about all of this messy post.
  2. Just say two things; what version of KSP you had when you first got the game, and the version you had when you did *insert achievement here*. Post Away!
  3. No. Also, he has no power over you! EDIT: Forgot to guess, I'm calling on KerBlam.
  4. Hi. I'm only a little bit german and I live in the USA, but whatever! This is an awesome community, so don't forget to enjoy it.
  5. Ok, so I sent my first interplanetary manned landing mission to Duna. Yay, although there's one problem. I have a very low fuel suply on the craft. Also, it didn't have a docking port. So here's my question; can I send up a rescue mission with a claw, grab the spacecraft, put some fuel in it, and do the rest of the mission as planned?
  6. There are 20 stars in the entire universe.
  7. Yea. The user below me has went to eve and returned in ksp.
  8. And, around an hour after I made the original... SeaShip2! There are 2 seats; one in the cockpit, and one in a mk 1 lander can in that box. "The box" also contains a ton of monoprop. It fuels about 27 linear rcs thrusters to go foreward in the sea. And, to get there, I use the wheels. Also, I decouple them once in the ocean. Last but not least, might as well tell you the pilots; Bill and DunDun. Dunnn! EDIT: I guess it's sort of a tank too. Let's battle! EDIT2: Nevermind. Sorry, it's just so hard!
  9. SeaShip1 in the house! I decided to join in on this fun by making a ship with a missile on top; So yea, I guess I'm in. I've got a lot to learn, but I think I can handle it. EDIT: Whops, forgot to say I already deployed it.
  10. Um... No. The user below me lives and breathes planes in ksp.
  11. Banned for listening to the same computer and following it's orders!
  12. I don't suck at building planes that glide well in ksp.
  13. I don't really know that. Although i can say you need about 15,000 dv!
  14. Eve is the purple planet just under kerbin's orbit. don't know the delta v but coming soon.
  15. Well... Hi. Normal Again! Might try my second time docking soon. EDIT: And about the docking, yes I mean KSP. EDIT2: Might as well say that I don't usually give rep to people.
  16. Okay, I have an announcement. I'm retiring. I'm no longer going to be the epic king of minimum, wearing the possessive (if you want it to) Blue Iron Crown. I'm just an LV-909 Lover. An innocent, normal guy. So yea, see you people around I guess.
  17. Thanks for doing the killing blow, RIC. You really deserved it. And you saved us all, too! EDIT: Also, maybe we should just close this thread. Bye thread! EDIT2: But before this thread comes to a close, I gotta post something.
  18. If I can't do the killing blow, someone else do it!
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