Salutations! May the sunlight always be upon you! This small mod adds a couple new scientific instruments (such as the one pictured here) which do science specifically around the most wondrous body in the Kerbol system. Both of these instruments are based upon instruments currently aboard the SOHO and STEREO spacecraft. It also adds a few new flags. To install ​ Like most other mods, simply download the linked file, unzip it, and drop the folder it gives you into Kerbal Space Program>GameData. Notes: Don't expect massive things from this mod. I'm only a high school student with about a couple years of modeling experience as of this time, so I'm not exactly the most proficient. The code is simple, and the textures may leave something to be desired. That said... This project is up for adoption. I've spent too much time working on this and wish to do other things. If there's anybody out there who feels this project has promise, I will gladly provide all related files, including models, Unity files, Photoshop documents, etc. One of the flags in here may cause some players to become violently angry. They may also claim that "this mod ruined Kerbal Space Program for them." If you have your worries, go into GameData>Solar Science>Flags and delete "Celestia.png." It's merely a flag of the My Little Pony Character, Celestia, raising the sun. There is nothing inherently offensive or illicit about it, but some folks have adverse reactions to My Little Pony. The Source Code, models, and textures are provided. These are provided in .cs, .fbx, and .png formats, respectively. By the license, you can do anything you please with them as long as you don't profit and you give credit to me. Preferably, this would amount to mention of "Snoopy 20111." Remember to Praise the Sun! ​ Download it here This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License The source code is provided under Solar Science>Plugins as SolarExperiment.cs The models and textures for each instrument are also provided under their appropriate folders in FBX and PNG format respectively under Solar Science>Parts>Science